Wilma Scategni, MD

Wilma Scategni, MD
Dr. Med.Wilma Scategni
Training analyst in psychodrama and group techniques
Founding member of FEPTO (the Federation of European Psychodrama Training
Organisations)and Past Member of the Board and Editor FEPTO Newsletter.
Staff Member Granada Summer Academy (Psychodrama and Group Analysis) since more
than ten years
IAGP Individual Member
Docent in many Cultural Events –CEU(Continuing Education Units)in Italy and abroad.
Accredited Analyst and past Docent at the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich,
and at COIRAG (Confederazione Italiana Ricerca ed Analisi sui Gruppi) [the Italian
Confederation for Research and Analysis on Groups]-IAGP MEMBER
Docente CIPA (Centro Italiano di Psicologia Analytica - Italian Center for Analytical
Psychology. IAAP)
IPAP (Istituto di Psicologia Analitica e Psicoterapia) . An allied organization of Pacifica
Graduate Institute and Dream Tending.
Director of a journal:Anamorphosys/ Psychodrama, Groups and Analythical Psychology.
Author of many books and articles on the subject: Psychodrama, Junghian Analythical
Psychology and Group Psychotherapy, published in many different languages. Her more
important book “Psychodrama, Group processes and dreams/ Archetypal Images of
individuation” was published 4 languages (English, German, Italian and Spanish)
Research in progress in Jungian Social dreaming Matrix, Autobiographical writing,
Expressive Therapies, Synchronicity, I Ching.
Past positions:
M. D. psychiatrist in the Italian National Health Service for fifteen years
director of a public psychiatric unit
conductor of psychodrama and psychotherapy training groups at a psychiatric day