Publishing House

Simmons, D., Wilches, A. (2021) TELE’DRAMA - International sociometry in the virtual space. Implementing Action Methods via Online Video Communication. Z Psychodrama Soziom
Simmons, D., Wilches, A. (2021) TELE’DRAMA - International sociometry in the virtual space. Implementing Action Methods via Online Video Communication. Z Psychodrama Soziom
Simmons, D., Christoph, A., Lee, T.L., Karakılıç Üçer, H.  (2022) Implementing Tele’Drama During the Pandemic, FORUM, Journal of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes, PP. 60-67
Simmons, D., Christoph, A., Lee, T.L., Karakılıç Üçer, H. (2022) Implementing Tele’Drama During the Pandemic, FORUM, Journal of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes, PP. 60-67