Eva Fahlstrom Borg

Eva Fahlstrom Borg
Eva Fahlstrom Borg, Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist Uppsala Psychodrama Institute FEPTO, IAGP.  Eva Fahlström Borg is Swedish senior consultant, licenced psychotherapist, qualified teacher and supervisor of psychotherapy, works internationally as a teacher, trainer and supervisor of Group processes, Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, Sociodrama, Restorative Practicies and Restorative Justice. Teaches Conflict Transformations. Co-founder and former Board member of FEPTO (Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations). Board member of IAGP (International Association of Grouppsychotherapy and Groupprocesses). Chair of IAGP Trauma Disaster Intervention Team (TDIT). Eva Fahlstrom Borg was 2011 awarded “Life Time Achievement” by FEPTO.