Hands for Hope: Experiential Fundraising Event for the Support of the People in Türkiye & Syria

Hands for Hope: Experiential Fundraising Event for the Support of the People in Türkiye & Syria
DATES: Friday, March 10, 2023 TIME:
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Central Time (US, Dallas)
  • 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM Central European Time (CET)
  • 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM Türkiye; Syria 
DURATION: 2 hours (120 min) LANGUAGE: English; Translated Captions to/from: Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese COST: Any donations to the following reliable organizations are appreciated: DONATE HERE

If you are unable to attend, you are still invited to donate to one of the recommended humanitarian organizations and let us know, so that we can express our appreciation.
If you are unable to donate due to being in the affected area; or if you live in another political/socioeconomic difficult situation; but you would like to attend and to give support through your participation, please let us know HERE

  PRESENTERS: Hande Karakılıç Üçer
Pembegül İlter
Altınay Dönmez
Müjdegül Z. Karaca
Hunaida Iseed, Interpreter
Gülşen Büyükşahin
Hands for Hope: Experiential Fundraising Event for the Support of the People in Türkiye & Syria

DATE: Friday, March 10, 2023

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Central Time (US, Dallas)
05:00 PM - 07:00 PM Central European Time (CET)
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM Türkiye; Syria

DURATION: 2 hours (120 min)

Channels for Simultaneous Translation to Turkish & Arabic;
Translated Captions to/from (alphabetically): Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

Three (3) Steps:
Step # 1: Any donations to the following reliable organizations are appreciated: CLICK HERE
Step # 2: Please forward the confirmation email you will receive upon donating to It will be considered as your ticket of entrance to the event.
Step # 3: Register here to receive the Zoom Link: Click here

No donation is too small. Every little bit will help. Thank you for your support!

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We invite you to select any of the following reliable organizations in order to make your donation: CLICK HERE

Please forward the confirmation email you will receive upon donating to It will be considered as your ticket of entrance to the event.

No donation is too small. Every little bit will help.
Thank you for your support!

A devastating earthquake hit southeastern Turkey and bordering Syria, in the early hours of Monday morning, the 6 th of February 2023. The first shake was registered as 7.8, classified as “major” on the official magnitude scale. Repetitive aftershocks followed, some as strong as the first wave, and some as recent as two days ago (21 st of February, 20023). Ten major cities suffered widespread casualties. This earthquake is mentioned a level 4; alarm situation involving an international call for help. Although determining the exact number is still not possible and maybe will never be, it is estimated that from 100,000 to 200,000 people were trapped under the rubbles. What is known for certain is that the State reports a death toll of 43,556 as of today (23 rd of February 2023). Expected to escalate…

Those who lost relatives and their homes, orphaned ones, wounded ones, grandmas and uncles, neighbors; these are women, men, children struggling to survive in the cold weather in the middle of a destroyed infrastructure or in the cities where they migrated totally unprepared. Once this was home now it is chaos… Safe space? Not a psychological term anymore: Even tents are a scarcity.

Psychological suffering? Indeed, the whole country is grieving… Yes, we know, where there is no food, water, heating, hygiene, shelter nor clothes – yes, not even underwear! – it is almost profanity to speak about psychology but this is our trade. And we have a powerful tool called sociodrama… Let’s use it to understand and maybe find out fresh outlets in remedying this collective suffering – both ways: Sharing and donating!

Ask a child in Antiochia, maybe he’ll say a warm bed to lie in is his greatest wish…or just a simple toy to play with. Our wish is to turn this child’s - any child’s - wish into reality, to contribute at least a tiny drop in filling a huge breach. At least to reinstill hope by regaining hope ourselves. Please join us, let’s be hopeful together!

6 Şubat 2023 Pazartesi sabahı erken saatlerde, Türkiye nin Güneydoğusunda ve Suriye sınırında yıkıcı bir deprem meydana geldi. İlk sarsıntı 7,8 olarak kaydedildi ve resmi büyüklük ölçeğinde büyük olarak sınıflandırıldı. Bunu, bazıları ilk sarsıntı kadar güçlü olan, bazıları ise iki gün öncesine (21 Şubat 2023) kadar yakın bir tarihte olan, tekrar eden artçı sarsıntılar izledi. Bu deprem uluslararası yardım çağrısı içeren 4. Seviye alarm durumu olarak açıklandı.Kesin sayıyı belirlemek hala mümkün olmasa ve hatta belki de hiçbir zaman olmayacak olsa da 100.000 ila 200.000 arası kişinin enkaz altında kaldığı tahmin edilmektedir. Kesin olarak bilinen şey, Devletin bugün (23 Şubat 2023) itibariyle ölü sayısını 43.556 olarak bildirdiğidir. Yükselmeye devam etmesi bekleniyor…
Yakınlarını ve evlerini kaybedenler, yetimler, yaralılar, nineler ve amcalar, komşular, kadınlar, erkekler, çocuklar... Bu insanlar, ortadan kalkan bir altyapının ve yıkımın ortasında ya da tamamen hazırlıksız göç ettikleri şehirlerde soğukta yaşam mücadelesi vermekteler.
Buralar bir zamanlar yuvamızdı, şimdi kaos… Güvenli alan? Artık psikolojik bir terim değil... İnsanlar şu an çadır bile bulamıyorlar. Psikolojik acı mı? Evet, tüm ülke matem içinde…

Gıdanın, suyun, ısınmanın, hijyenin, barınağın, kıyafetin – evet, iç çamaşırının! bile- bulunamadığı bir yerde psikoloji hakkında konuşmak neredeyse küfür ama bu bizim mesleğimiz.
Ve sosyodrama denen güçlü bir aracımız var… Sosyodramayı bu kolektif acıyı anlamak ve belki yeni çıkış yolları bularak hafifletmek için kullanalım -
her iki şekilde: Paylaşarak ve bağış yaparak! Antakya; daki bir çocuğa sorun, belki en büyük arzusunun uzanmak için sıcak bir yatak olduğunu söyleyecektir ya da basit bir oyuncakla oynamak. Dileğimiz, bu çocuğun - herhangi bir çocuğun - arzusunu gerçeğe dönüştürmek, kocaman bir yoksunluğa en azından minik bir damla katkıda bulunmaktır. Arzumuz; en azından kendi umudumuzu tazeleyerek başkaları için de umut yeşertmektir. Lütfen bize katılın, birlikte umutlu olalım!
For partial scholarship opportunities contact or submit here


Hande Karakılıç Üçer
Hande Karakılıç Üçer
Pembegül İlter
Pembegül İlter
Altınay Dönmez
Altınay Dönmez
Müjdegül Z. Karaca
Müjdegül Z. Karaca
Hunaida Iseed, Interpreter
Hunaida Iseed, Interpreter
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Gülşen Büyükşahin
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