Workshops Offered by Tele'Drama Practitioners & Trainers

Workshops Offered by Tele'Drama Practitioners & Trainers
DATES: Various Dates Available TIME: Varies DURATION: 90 min | 3 hours LANGUAGE: English; Translated Captions Availble COST: For payment options please contact the presenters directly PRESENTERS: Jaye Moyer
Mark Wentworth
Diane Adderley
Tanja L. Lee
Pembegül İlter
Gülşen Büyükşahin
The International Tele'Drama Certification Program offers training and education to professionals from around the world through its international groups and regional institutes.
  • This page is dedicated to announcing workshops that are independently organized and managed by Certified Tele'Drama Practitioners (CTP-1, CTP-2, CTP-3) and trainers (CTT).
  • For payment options and workshop information, please contact the presenter directly via the email address provided with the announcement.

Diane Adderley & Mark Wentworth (UK)

The Moirai Series
Following the Thread
with Mark Wentworth & Diane Adderley
Starting 13th September
4-weeks x3hrs online
For additional information CLICK HERE

Meeting times: 4:30pm - 7:30pm (London Time)
Use the Time Convertor here to check your local time.

Investment: £180/ 220€/ US$240
Bank to bank transfer (UK), Revolut, Wise. Or pay now with Paypal Click here: PayPal
Payment options available - please ask.


Tarih: 28 Şubat 2024, Çarşamba
Saat:  20:00 - 22.00 Türkiye Saati
           09:00 AM - 11.00 PM Pasific Time (US & Canada)
           11:00 AM -  1.00 PM Central Time, (US & Canada)      
           18:00 - 20.00 Central European Time
Süre: 120 dakika
Yer: Zoom-Online
Dil: Türkçe
Ücret: 600TL (24 Şubat’a kadar erken kayıt indirimi ile 500TL)
Ayrıca yurt dışında yaşayan Türkler için de (*Batı Avrupa, Kuzey Amerika, Avustralya
vb.): 35$ (24 Şubat’a kadar erken kayıt indirimi ile 25$)
*Dünya Bankası'nın belirlediği A, B, C, D Ülke Bantlarına göre ücretler.
Kayıt ve Ödeme: Alttaki kayıt formunu dolduranlara ödeme bilgileri gönderilecektir.
(Havale, EFT).
Kayıt işleminin tamamlanması için ödeme yapılması gerekmektedir. 
Ödeme işlemi tamamlanınca kaydınız kesinleşecektir.
Kayıt formu:
Sunucular:  Psikodramatist, Uzm. Psik. Dan Gülşen Büyükşahin BIO 2. Seviye
Sertifikalı Tele’drama Uygulayıcısı (CTP-2) [United States];
Yardımcı Psikodramatist, Uzm. Psikolog Pembegül İlter BIO  3. Seviye Sertifikalı
Tele’drama Uygulayıcısı (CTP-3) [Türkiye]
Sevgililer Gününü kutladığımız Şubat ayında aşkın ve sevginin hayatımızdaki yerini
keşfedeceğimiz 2 saatlik bir workshopa davetlisiniz.
Ne beklenmeli : Bu atölye aşkın ve sevginin hayatındaki yerini keşfetmek isteyen,
bununla ilgili anlayışını derinleştirmek ve daha uyumlu ilişkiler geliştirmek isteyen
herkese açıktır. Aşk ile ilişkimize doğru bir yolculuk. Katılımcılar psikodramatik
ısınma/eylem yöntemleri ve Tele’drama metodolojisiyle grup dinamiği içinde kendilerine
dair keşifler yapma fırsatı bulacaklar.
Kimler katılabilir: Bu atölye aşkın ve sevginin hayatındaki yerini keşfetmek isteyen
herkes içindir! Önceden bir hazırlık yapmanıza gerek yok, sadece yanınızda kağıt-
kalem bulundurmanız yeterli.
Ayrıca 2024 Nisan ayında başlaması planlanan Tele’drama Türkçe Sertifikasyon
Programı’nın tanıtımı kapsamında psikodrama, sosyodrama gibi eylem yöntemlerinin
zoom platformunda etkin kullanımını deneyimlemek isteyen profesyonellere (kendi
uzmanlık alanlarında terapi, kişisel gelişim, koçluk veya eğitim amaçlı kullanmak
isteyen) açıktır.

Email address:

  • Date: January 21, 2024; February 18, 2024; March 10, 2024. 
  • Time: 1:30-4pm ET
  • Presenter: jaye moyer lcswr-tep
  • Contact Email for Presenter:
  • Language: English
  • Title: Embodied Presence in Action 
  • Cost: $ 50.00
  • Payment Option (URL): Zelle: For more information or to register click the following Link
  • Description: A workshop series focusing on personal discovery, embodied presence, and heart/mind growth. In these small and supportive groups, you will learn specific practices that will facilitate presence and foster spontaneity and kindness.
  • What to Expect: . Short warm-up and introduction
    2. Guided practice
    3. Dyad sharing for deepening and integration
    4. Short contemplative reflections
    5. Experiential investigation, utilizing doubling, role reversal and sociometry and dyad sharing
  • Who Should Attend:Anyone who would like to integrate Mindfulness and compassion practice with experiential exploration.


Dates: Thursday, January 4, 2024
Central Time, 12.00-13.00 (UTC-6)
Central European Time, 19.00-20.00 (UTC+1)
Türkiye, 21.00-22.00 (UTC+3)

Presenter: Pembegül İlter MA, CTP-3, LH Guide
Contact Email for Presenter:
Language: English
Title:Listening Hour
Fee: Free of charge under supervision
Registration form:

Listening Hour is an hour where we meet to share our personal stories and listen to the stories of others. The entire process is facilitated by a Guide who eventually brings all the stories together into a common narrative.
The 'stories' we share here are slices of our own experiences, past, present and future. We focus on sharing and listening to our own stories without analyzing them or needing to respond to anyone. All participants are initially invited to share a brief memory, an image or emotion, but not everyone is required to tell a long story. Share whatever you feel called to share within the small group. Because no story is too "heavy" or too "meaningless".Share whatever you feel called to share within the small group. All sharing is voluntary, as long as each participant feels comfortable and time allows. The number of participants is limited to 6 people.

What to Expect:
The Listening Hour can be a support in our daily life for:
* increasing our resilience;
* releasing tensions;
* finding new insights and inspiration;
* feeling heard, seen and accepted;
* feeling the connection with others.

Who Should Attend:
This session is for everyone and you do not need to prepare in advance. However, you must register.

*The Listening Hour is the brainchild of Jonathan Fox, who is also a co-founder of Playback Theatre, a story-based approach to community theatre based on acting out on the spot real stories of audience members.

____________________________________________(Turkish below)DATES:
Every 2 weeks on Tuesdays
Central Time, 12.30-13.30 (UTC-6)
Central European Time, 19.30-20.30 (UTC+1)
Türkiye, 21.30-22.30 (UTC+3)

COST: Free Online Support Group in Turkish is a free event open to everyone. We continue to meet every other Tuesday at the same time, 21.30-22.30 (GMT+3). We aim to contribute to our psychological well-being by expressing ourselves and listening to each other. This FREE group is open to anyone interested. We accept new participants every week. You can attend any or all sessions. You only need to fill out the registration form once. Zoom link and information will be sent via email to those who fill out this registration form. Note: It is not a therapy or education group.
  • January 2, 2024
  • January 16, 2024
  • January 30, 2024
  • February 13, 2024
  • February 27,2024

2 haftada bir Salı günleri
Merkezi Saat, 12.30-13.30 (UTC-6)
Orta Avrupa Saati, 19.30-20.30 (UTC+1)
Türkiye, 21.30-22.30 (UTC+3)

SÜRE: 1 Saat
Ücretsiz Çevrimiçi Destek Grubu, herkesin katılımına açık olan ücretsiz bir etkinliktir.  İki haftada bir salı aynı saatte 21.30-22.30 (GMT+3) buluşmaya devam ediyoruz.  Amacımız, kendimizi ifade ederek ve birbirimizi dinleyerek psikolojik iyi oluşumuza katkı sağlamaktır. Bu ÜCRETSİZ grup ilgili herkesin katılımına açıktır. Her hafta yeni katılımcıları kabul ediyoruz. Oturumların herhangi birine veya hepsine katılabilirsin. Kayıt formunu bir kere doldurmanız yeterlidir. Bu kayıt formunu dolduranlara zoom linki ve bilgilendirme email ile gönderilecektir. Not: Terapi veya eğitim grubu değildir. 
  • 2 Ocak 2024
  • 16 Ocak 2024
  • 30 Ocak 2024
  • 13 Şubat 2024
  • 27 Şubat 2024


Dates: December 19th & 26th, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM - 01:15 PM EST
Presenter: Tanya Lynne Lee, PhD, CTP-2; To contact the presenter, send an email to
Title: The Origami Guest House: Cultivating Emotional Wellbeing
Cost: Sliding scale: $40 | $30 | $20 | $10
Payment option: PayPal: Click HERE Submit your payment; type your name and the name of the workshop in the notes.
Description: Welcome to "The Origami Guest House: Cultivating Emotional Well-being" workshop, inspired by the metaphorical concept of a guest house, this workshop invites you to explore the art of cultivating emotional well-being as you navigate the diverse array of feelings that visit your inner sanctuary. In the tapestry of life, emotions are like transient guests, each bringing its unique energy and lessons. "The Origami Guest House" workshop is a guided exploration of how to mindfully welcome, understand, and manage these emotional visitors for greater balance and well-being.
What to Expect:
  • Embrace and Understand: Learn to embrace the full spectrum of emotions without judgment. Understand the valuable insights they offer and how they contribute to your personal growth.
  • Mindful Management: Explore mindfulness techniques tailored to help you manage emotions in the present moment. Discover the power of mindful awareness in responding to emotions with intention rather than reacting impulsively.
  • Creating a Positive Guest House: Cultivate an environment within yourself that fosters emotional well-being. Discover a positive and nurturing internal space where emotions can be acknowledged and transformed.

Who Should Attend: This workshop is open to anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of emotions and cultivate a more harmonious relationship with the ever-changing landscape of feelings.Join us for "The Origami Guest House: Cultivating Emotional Well-being" and embark on a journey toward a more conscious and harmonious relationship with your emotions. Your inner sanctuary awaits exploration, and every emotion is a valuable guest with lessons to share.

For partial scholarship opportunities contact or submit here


Jaye Moyer
Jaye Moyer
Mark Wentworth
Mark Wentworth
Diane Adderley
Diane Adderley
Tanja L. Lee
Tanja L. Lee
Pembegül İlter
Pembegül İlter
Gülşen Büyükşahin
Gülşen Büyükşahin
e-Psychodrama International Personal Growth Circle: Online Group for Exploring and Healing Relationships
e-Psychodrama International Personal Growth Circle: Online Group for Exploring and Healing Relationships
Presenters: Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Information & Registration
Working with the Empty Chairs in Supervision Processes : Revealing Chairs, Empathy Circle Technique, and Other Action Methods to Facilitate Group Supervision
Working with the Empty Chairs in Supervision Processes : Revealing Chairs, Empathy Circle Technique, and Other Action Methods to Facilitate Group Supervision
Presenters: Chantal Nève-Hanquet, Agathe Crespel
Information & Registration
Directing Axiodrama: A Master Class on Dr. Moreno's Method for Exploring Values, Ethical Dilemmas, and Moral Conflicts within a Group Setting
Directing Axiodrama: A Master Class on Dr. Moreno's Method for Exploring Values, Ethical Dilemmas, and Moral Conflicts within a Group Setting
Presenters: Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Information & Registration
Foundations of Gottman Couple Therapy with Psychodrama and Other Action Methods Applications
Foundations of Gottman Couple Therapy with Psychodrama and Other Action Methods Applications
Presenters: Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP, Violeta Kadieva, PhD, LMFT-S, AAMFT-S
Information & Registration
Embodying Wisdom: Angels, Sages and Fairy Godmothers
Embodying Wisdom: Angels, Sages and Fairy Godmothers
Directing One-on-One Sociodrama: Bridging Personal Experiences with Broader Societal Themes
Directing One-on-One Sociodrama: Bridging Personal Experiences with Broader Societal Themes
Presenters: Ron Wiener, PhD, Diane Adderley
Information & Registration
Guiding Protagonists: From Stuck in Unhealthy Roles to Developing Healthy Ones - Effective Strategies in Psychodrama Directing
Guiding Protagonists: From Stuck in Unhealthy Roles to Developing Healthy Ones - Effective Strategies in Psychodrama Directing
Presenters: Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Information & Registration
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