Family Sculpting And Psychodrama: Hybrid (Face-to-face Classroom and Zoom Meeting Online) Experiential Learning

Family Sculpting And Psychodrama: Hybrid (Face-to-face Classroom and Zoom Meeting Online) Experiential Learning
DATES: Monday, October 24, 2022 TIME: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Mountain Time (US & Canada)
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada)
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

7:00 AM - 9:00 AM (next day) Singapore, Taiwan, China
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM (next day) Japan, South Korea
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (next day) Canberra (AEDT)
  DURATION: 2 hours (120 min) LANGUAGE: English COST: Professionals / General Public: $80
Students / Retirees: $60 PRESENTERS: Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Violeta Kadieva, PhD, LMFT-S, AAMFT-S
TELE'DRAMA ZoomRoom International
is offering a 2-h Hybrid Interactive Workshop,

Family Sculpting And Psychodrama: A 2-h Hybrid Interactive Workshop

We will combine face-to-face classroom and
zoom meeting online experiential learning!

Directed by:

Dr. Violeta Kadieva, PhD, LMFT-S, AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Dr. Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP, Creator of TELE'DRAMA

Date: Monday, October 24th, 2022
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM Central Time (USA)
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM Eastern Time (USA)
(This workshop will be held at convenient hours for colleagues from
countries in UTC+6 to UTC+12 (Australia, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan. etc.)
in addition to United States and Canada).

Workshop description:
Family Sculpting and Psychodrama
Utilizing this approach will help you engage in interactive processes with families and groups. We will encourage participants to be themselves by freely expressing what they are thinking and feeling.
Experiential Family Techniques such as family sculpting grow out of the therapist's intuitive and spontaneous reactions (Therapist use of self) to the present situation. We will utilize the family sculpting method in role plays. We will approach them from a spontaneous experiential and psychodrama perspective. We will do family sculpting and use the wheel of avoiding family misfortune and life integration as a tool of change.

1. Applying family sculpting and psychodrama to your work.
2. Opening channels for family interaction and helping individuals avoid family misfortune by
increasing their awareness of their inner potential

The module is unique to those who attend and WILL NOT BE RECORDED.

•  Therapists / General Public: $80
•  Students / Retirees: $60

For partial scholarship opportunities contact
Payment, in case of cancellation, will be credited to future workshops.

Participants receive

2 hours for certification through the :

    American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy (ABE) (The Board's certification standards now allow up to 150 hours of distance learning)
    International Society of Experiential Therapies (ISEP)

You will receive the zoom invitation via email.
The best way to participate is through your computer.
Family Sculpting And Psychodrama
For partial scholarship opportunities contact or submit here


Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Creator of TELE'DRAMA
Violeta Kadieva, PhD, LMFT-S, AAMFT-S
Violeta Kadieva, PhD, LMFT-S, AAMFT-S
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