Theatre of the Oppressed & Psychodrama: "Rainbow of Desire" & Internalized Oppression

Theatre of the Oppressed & Psychodrama: "Rainbow of Desire" & Internalized Oppression
DATES: Saturday, December 2, 2023 TIME: 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM Central Time (United States)
05:00 PM - 08:00 PM Central Time (Europe)
Tele'Drama Virtual Center / Zoom Meetings DURATION: Three (3) Hours LANGUAGE: English; Captions: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi/Persian; Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, T COST: Professionals / general public: $80
College students / Retirees: $60

Payment, in case of cancellation, will be credited to future programs. PRESENTERS: Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Captions: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi/Persian; Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Telugu, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Welsh.

Theatre of the Oppressed is a method, created by the Brazilian practitioner, Augusto Boal. It describes theatrical forms that Augusto Boal first elaborated in the 1960s, initially in Brazil and later in Europe and North America. Boal's techniques use theatre as means of promoting social and political change. The audience becomes active, they explore, show, analyze and transform the reality in which they are living.
The major branches of Theatre of the Oppressed are Image theatre, Forum theatre, Invisible theatre, Newspaper theatre, Legislative theatre, Analytical theatre, Rainbow of Desire, Breaking repression, Photo romance, Rituals and masks

In September 2023, Tele'Drama International conducted a four-session training on Theatre of the Oppressed and Sociodrama. During that training, two branches of the method remained unexplored. These branches specifically focus on addressing internal and personal oppressors, as well as matters related to repression, instead of exploring external oppression.

We are now pleased to announce a follow-up session training that will delve into these aspects in greater detail:

Saturday, December 2, 2023: 
"Rainbow of Desire"

Known as Boal's method of theatre and therapy, "Rainbow of Desire" places a strong emphasis on addressing internalized oppression and tackling issues related to negative emotions and communication problems. "Rainbow of Desire" techniques are particularly effective at addressing forms of internalized oppression, which are often played out in the interactions between a protagonist and an antagonist. These techniques help participants explore and confront internal structures of oppression, including feelings of loneliness, fear, emptiness, and difficulties with communication. During these exercises, participants are encouraged to transform their personal experiences and emotions into vivid images. By playing with these images, they can gain insights into their realities and explore alternative perspectives. These events are performed in front of witnesses, allowing the audience to empathetically engage with the protagonist's experiences and view them from different angles. Augusto Boal, the creator of this method, suggests that people frequently do not express their full potential. Instead, they often limit themselves based on internal beliefs, external constraints, or moral codes. Boal's goal is to help individuals become "healthier" by addressing and breaking free from these self-imposed limitations. The concept of a "rainbow" signifies the process of dissecting desires into their various components and then recombining them in new and desired ways. "Rainbow of Desire" actively promotes affirmative emotions such as happiness, surprise, admiration, and love. These positive emotions are encouraged as a counterbalance to the negative influences of habit and fear. Overall, "Rainbow of Desire" is a powerful method for personal growth and self-discovery, offering participants the tools to confront internalized oppression and embrace a more liberated and emotionally positive perspective on life.

This training module is recommended to practitioners in the field of theatre of the oppressed, psychodrama, other psychotherapy fields, educators, all members of the society.
No previous experience necessary.

Psychodrama training hours towards the American Board of Examiners.

Theatre of the Oppressed & Psychodrama
For partial scholarship opportunities contact or submit here


Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Creator of TELE'DRAMA
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