A Life’s Journey Through Social Role Changes

A Life’s Journey Through Social Role Changes
DATES: Friday, October 7th, 2022 TIME: 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada)
04:00 PM - 07:00 PM UK
05:00 PM - 08:00 PM Central European Time
Tele'Drama Virtual Center / Zoom Meetings DURATION: 3 Hours LANGUAGE: English; Translated Captions to/from (alphabetically) Chinese; Dutch; English; French; German; Italian; Japanese; Korean; Portuguese; Russian; Spanish; Ukrainian COST: Professionals & General Public: $80
Students & Retirees: $60
Payment, in case of cancellation, will be credited to future workshops. PRESENTERS: Ron Wiener, PhD
A Life’s Journey through Social Role Changes – a 3-hour online sociodramatic exploration
with Ron Wiener, UK Senior Sociodrama Trainer, past Honorary President of the British Psychodrama Association

As Shakespeare said:
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. 
(As You Like It, Jaques, Act 2, Scene 7)

As a participant, you will warm-up by exploring some of the roles from adolescence to old age that have proved significant in the lives of people you know. We will then create fictional characters in their 60s, looking back over their lives through the important roles they have played: this will be done using hot-seating in pairs (interviewing each other to deepen the experience of the role). 

In the UK, we have a famous radio programme called ‘Desert Island Discs’, in which an interviewer explores with a person of note the music that has accompanied their lives at different points and which they would want to take with them if they were marooned on a desert island. As you create your senior roles, you will be invited to think of songs that may have special meaning for your character e.g. what music did ‘your’ parents introduce you to?

Some of the work will be done individually, some in small groups or pairs in breakout rooms, some together in plenary. Finally, you will share how the characters and roles you created relate to your own life story.
A Life's Journey Through Social Role Changes
For partial scholarship opportunities contact or submit here


Ron Wiener, PhD
Ron Wiener, PhD
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