How to Direct a Sociodrama

How to Direct a Sociodrama
DATES: Sat & Sun, January 28 & 29, 2023 TIME: Saturday & Sunday, January 28 & 29, 2023
10:00 AM - 01:00 PM Central Time (United States)
04:00 PM - 07:00 PM UK
Tele'Drama Virtual Center / Zoom Meetings DURATION: 6 Hours Total LANGUAGE: English; Translated Captions to/from (alphabetically) Chinese; Dutch; English; French; German; Italian; Japanese; Korean; Portuguese; Russian; Spanish; Ukrainian COST: Professionals & General Public: $175
Students & Retirees: $130
Payment, in case of cancellation, will be credited to future workshops. PRESENTERS: Ron Wiener, PhD
Diane Adderley
6-hr workshop over 2 days, led by two of the UK’s leading sociodramatists, Dr. Ron Wiener and Diane Adderley.
This workshop will explore in action how to direct a sociodrama through its different stages, illustrating the differences with directing a psychodrama.

The first session will focus on elements of the following, in no particular order:
  • Warm-up to the session/group and to a topic and roles
  • The differences in role terms between PD and SD – what do we mean by social roles in an SD context
  • What might be the differences between directing PD and SD
  • Briefly look at different types of SD e.g. multi-scene, protagonist-centred SD
  • Exploring the differences between how we might use Morenian tools such as doubling, role reversal, soliloquy, in PD & SD, as well as introducing participants to the tool of “tagging”, developed by Dr Wiener
  • How to choose a scene
  • Concretising
  • What are the director’s choices re moving the action forward – the roundabout
  • How to deal with someone who is emotionally triggered – e.g. doing a short PD vignette within the overall context of SD

The second session will also include focus on the following:
  • Experiencing a stop/start SD directed by the facilitators sharing their thinking and decision-making, including having participants in small groups come up with ideas for ‘what could happen next’
  • Sharing in small groups – from roles participants played, personal sharing, social learning about the topic
  • Reflecting together on the learning about directing SD
  • Closure
How to Direct a Sociodrama
For partial scholarship opportunities contact or submit here


Ron Wiener, PhD
Ron Wiener, PhD
Diane Adderley
Diane Adderley
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